<![CDATA[DNA-Genealogy-History (www.dna-genealogy-history.com) - Travel by Ancestry]]>Mon, 10 Mar 2025 00:43:10 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Newly refined mtDNA haplogroup A2f1a1b designation for matrilineal descendants of 17th-century Anne Marie Mi'kmaq, married to French / Acadian Rene Rimbault and the unknown Pinet]]>Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:54:41 GMThttps://dna-genealogy-history.com/travel-by-ancestry/newly-refined-mtdna-haplogroup-a2f1a1b-designation-for-matrilineal-descendants-of-17th-century-anne-marie-mikmaq-married-to-french-acadian-rene-rimbault-and-the-unknown-pinet
The Acadian Amerindian Ancestry, the A haplogroup, and the A2 haplogroup projects with Family Tree DNA have registered the new, matching A2f1a1b haplogroup for matrilineal (mother-line) descendants of Anne Marie Mi'kmaq.

The A2f1a1b mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup, to which matrilineal descendants of Anne Marie MI'kmaq now belong, is a brand new sub-branch of the A2f1a parent haplogroup.

The refined, A2f1a1b mtDNA haplogroup designation adds to what we know about our connections to history and to each other, helps to distinguish Anne Marie Mi'kmaq's descendants from other lineages, and results from the latest, mitochondrial DNA "Tree of Humankind" update of March, 2025 (presently in BETA test).

<![CDATA[Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll! It's Mardi Gras!]]>Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:03:58 GMThttps://dna-genealogy-history.com/travel-by-ancestry/laissez-les-bons-temps-rouler-let-the-good-times-roll-its-mardi-gras
A hand-made Mardi Gras mask from Washington Parish, Louisiana. Photograph credit: Marie Rundquist, DNA-Genealogy-History.com
<![CDATA[Ancient Stonehenge-like structure discovered in Denmark!]]>Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:05:15 GMThttps://dna-genealogy-history.com/travel-by-ancestry/ancient-stonehenge-like-structure-discovered-in-denmark
Source: https://archaeologymag.com
Radley, D. (2025, February 27). "4,000-year-old Stonehenge-like circle discovered in Denmark: Danish archaeologists have found a remarkable wooden circle from 4,000 years ago in Aars, which bears a strong resemblance to the well-known Stonehenge in Britain." Archaeology Magazine.  https://archaeologymag.com/2025/02/4000-year-old-stonehenge-like-circle-in-denmark/
<![CDATA[Antonine Maillet, famed author of "La Sagouine," has passed away at age 95 (February 17, 2025)]]>Wed, 19 Feb 2025 20:01:40 GMThttps://dna-genealogy-history.com/travel-by-ancestry/antonine-maillet-famed-author-of-la-sagouine-has-passed-away-at-age-95-february-17-2025A New Brunswick news release by the Canadian Press, dated February 17, 2025, carried the sad news: "Antonine Maillet, author and proud raconteur of the Acadian people, dead at 95."
Reading further, I came across the following statement about the author, and one of her most famous works: "Her play “La Sagouine,” first performed in 1971 with Viola Leger in the title role, was a massive success, helping to instil pride in Acadians and contribute to a cultural revival."
A quote from the author, dating back to 2010, revealed much about her tenacity as a writer and her commitment to authenticity: "... Maillet spoke about overcoming a “triple handicap” in literature: being a woman, Acadian, and of short stature. “Being short, that amuses me! But if I have one claim to fame, it’s that I took the Acadian language from oral tradition to the written word.”
A comment: The chapter, "On the Census," from La Sagouine is a must-read for anyone with Acadian lines or an interest in how Acadians came to be in North America.  I read "On the Census" when I was coming to terms with my own family roots as a family researcher and found the author's humorous, if not sardonic, treatment of the often delicate topic of Acadian "nationality," as portrayed by census takers of the time, a healing balm of a sort.
Maillet truly "hit the mark" when she observed:
"Couldn't have been easy, being deported like that and not to think you lost something important along the way.  Takes a lot out of you, a trip like that..."
-- Antonine Mailette, (English translation).