C-P39 Y DNA Project Visualization https://sites.google.com/site/cp39ydnaprojectupdates/ March 27, 2018 The C-P39 Y DNA Project Updates Website is a dynamic, data visualization platform. Graphical techniques and methods have been applied so that project members and website visitors may gain a rapid understanding of how Y DNA test results compare without having to read through pages of row and column information. C-P39 Haplogroup Distribution, Genetic Distance, Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA), and Big Y relationships rise to the surface, with greater clarity, when presented in easily interpreted graphical formats.
The information and visualizations provided on this site update the earlier analysis released in the report, "C3b Y Chromosome DNA Test Results Point to Native American Deep Ancestry, Relatedness, among United States and Canadian Study Participants by Marie Rundquist," August 2012 which may be viewed here. The C-P39 Y DNA Project Updates website is updated frequently as new information becomes available. Reference the C-P39 Y DNA Haplogroup Project Family Tree DNA website for complete information. Citation: Mauri, M., Elli, T., Caviglia, G., Uboldi, G., & Azzi, M. (2017). RAWGraphs: A Visualisation Platform to Create Open Outputs. In Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter (p. 28:1–28:5). New York, NY, USA: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3125571.3125585 Thank you, Everett Thompson, Brenda H. Thibodeaux of the Lafayette Genealogical Society, and to the Lafayette Regional Library staff for your support and sponsorship of the March 10, 2018 DNA Bootcamp at the Lafayette South Regional Library in Lafayette, Louisiana. And thank you Deadra Doucet Bourke and Gary Smith for participating in the panel discussion, Deadra's and Gary's real-world success stories brought home how valuable DNA test results can be for genealogy research! We were all very pleased with the turn-out and the location was perfect! --Marie Rundquist ![]()
March 2025