University of Leicester. (2024, August 1). "New DNA analysis helps bust 200-year-old royal conspiracy theory." News Release. From the article: "DNA analysis refutes the theory that Kaspar Hauser was a ‘lost prince’ of the House of Baden "A new genetic analysis by an international team of scientists has helped bust a popular 200-year-old myth surrounding Kaspar Hauser, whose identity became one of the most mysterious riddles in German history." Editor: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test results toss this "lost prince" theory into the dustbin of history. So, before you're "taken in" by an alleged descendant of the "Lost Dauphin," ask for DNA test results first! See: The healing spirit of the horse is highlighted in this beautiful article.
Spears, N. M. (2024, April 3). "Healing the Children of Horse Nations." The Imprint. Cite: Willett, M. (2024, July 15th). "Library hosts author to reveal DNA research." WHSV News.
Thank you, Mason Willett, and WHSV News for excellent coverage and for accurately representing what has come to be my life's work. Thank you, Bev, and presentation organizers, for inviting me to present! Mason interviewed me right after I had finished giving a presentation on a very hot Sunday afternoon, on the 14th of July, down here in the Valley. My late grandmother, Asselia S. Lichliter, who inspired the research which led to the uncovering of a hidden, North American - Native American - Acadian - Cajun family history, would have been so delighted to know that I have had so much fun following in her footsteps and making all of these discoveries about ancestors hidden in mine, and others, family trees. "The sun never sets on DNA Genealogy History." She would have agreed with that statement! Scenes from theĀ Genealogy and History of the Eastern Shore of Virginia (GHOTES) 2024 Conference6/29/2024
Thank you to Barbara Cox, M.K. Miles, and Dr. David Scott for your invitation to the latest, GHOTES Conference at the beautiful Eastern Shore of Virginia Heritage Center in Parksley. Photos include M.K. Miles (top left), Dr. David Scott with Marie Rundquist (top right), Marie Rundquist with Disharoon cousins from the Eastern Shore (bottom left), and Wesley Revels, Marie Rundquist, and M.K. Miles in front of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Heritage Center where the conference was held. For more information about the event, read the article, "GHOTES conference at ES Public Library attracts large number to study their genealogy, published in the Shore Daily News, on July 16, 2024," ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Genealogists: Are you researching Eastern Shore families from the counties of Accomack and Northampton, Virginia; Somerset, Worcester and Wicomico, Maryland; and Sussex Co, Delaware? Want to see if you can trace your lines back to Charlemagne, Gateway Ancestors, First Families of Virginia, Eastern Shore Progenitors and Daughters of the American Revolution Patriots? To find out the answers to your questions about your Eastern Shore ancestry, and get help tracing your lines, visit the Miles Files database where you will find important information about your ancestors -- with links to DNA test results too! See: Have you had an autosomal DNA test and want to learn more about your DNA connections to families on Virginia's Eastern Shore, Maryland's Eastern Shore, and Delaware tracing back to the early 1600s? Have you documented your paper trail genealogy? Apply to join the GHOTES project and find others who share your roots! See:
March 2025