Well, let's see. I knew about my Native American and my European ancestry -- and now, my latest, revised, Ancestry report tells me about my "Mali" heritage out of Africa too! DNA testing frees the history we carry within ourselves! From Ancestry: "Primarily located in: Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone. About this Region: Mali’s modern boundaries were drawn in 1890, when French Sudan was created, and united two very different regions: the Sudanian savannas in the south and the Sahara Desert to the north. These man-made borders make our Mali region a mix of diverse peoples, but geography has always played a key role in Mali’s history and people. The savannas at the edge of the desert made the area a natural center for trans-Saharan trade, which connected western Africa with Europe and Asia in precolonial times. For centuries, Mali was a fabled land of gold, scholarship and empires." Ancestry always makes our family origins sound so romantic -- when in fact, my African ancestry came into my family lines through the slave trade as it took place in Colonial Maryland. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_Maryland" References:
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IJzeren_voetring_voor_gevangenen_transparent_background.png Ancestry.com Comments are closed.
March 2025