[Updated 2/15/2023] The reference site that was originally provided for quoted material from Andre Vachon, cited as "http://lejeune.cma2014.com/en/genealogie" is no longer available on the Interenet, and the broken link, and the invitation to reference the information provided, has since been removed from this post.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As many know, our Amerindian Ancestry out of Acadia Lejeune / Young Y DNA study has established a DNA signature that has repeated successfully in all male participants thus far. It's great to have all of these matches accumulating in the study -- and the consistency of findings, and the Y DNA signature, says lots about the staying power of this paternal line throughout the generations of Lejeune / Young men! Lejeune family expert, published author, and Acadian historian André-Carl Vachon, who has been so kind, gracious and helpful to our study, in verifying the lines of our Lejeune / Young men, has furnished the following update regarding the line of our Pierre Lejeune of Old Acadia: "Genealogy of the family of Pierre Lejeune and Marie Doucet" "Pierre Lejeune dit Briard arrived in Acadia on September 23, 1651. He would have been recruited between March and June, by the new governor of Acadia, Charles de Saint-Etienne, Sieur de La Tour, appointed by the King on February 27, 1651. In New France, the employment contracts had a duration of three years. Therefore, Pierre Lejeune could not get married before the end of his contract, which was in 1654. That's when he married Marie Doucet, the daughter of the Major of Port Royal garrison, Germain Doucet and a French woman (a European: DNA haplotype "T2"). Results are published under the heading Haplogroup R1b2 - Pierre Lejeune Subgroup here: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/AcadianAmerIndian?iframe=yresults Thank you and best to all in Lejeune / Young Y Chromosome DNA ! Marie Rundquist, Administrator Amerindian Ancestry out of Acadia Family Tree DNA Project Comments are closed.
March 2025