At the start of Acadian family lines are the the Native and European grandmothers whose every sacrifice contributed to the survival of their descendants. Within the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project, the A2, B, C, D, and X2a mtDNA haplogroups distinguish the descendants of Native grandmothers whose matrilinial (mother to mother) ancestral lines trace to North America. While those having Acadian ancestry will be most interested in researching the history of Native grandmothers whose lineages start in Port Royal, in the early 1600s, our Native grandmothers are actually part of a larger community whose beginnings go back thousands and thousands of years in the Americas. Indeed, those of us belonging to Native mtDNA haplogroups may find descendants of Native grandmothers from tribal communities all across North America listed among our mtDNA matches and belonging to the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project. Of particular interest to those of Acadian lines are the Native grandmothers whose names grace Acadian census and parish records, their names coupled with those of their European spouses; their distinctive mitochondrial DNA having passed from mother-to-mother-to-mother to living descendants today. Click here to find out more about the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project: Comments are closed.
January 2025