Perplexed about that same "cast of characters" that keeps showing up in your Family Finder / My Heritage / Ancestry / Gedmatch autosomal DNA match lists? I got 'em. Do you? I see many of the same DNA matches in every single system where I have my autosomal DNA enrolled. Some of my closest DNA matches I know personally (as they are extended family) -- some of my distant matches I've corresponded with and we've managed to nail down how we relate to each other; but there are still other DNA matches I scratch my head about when I look at them, but like you, I keep digging into the family trees to find our common ancestors.
Here again is a plug for Wikitree: I subscribe to Wikitree and today I found a wonderful little gem that points me to "living cousins" and shows exactly from which ancestor we descend (based on trees). If I dig into the profiles a little more I can find the kit numbers posted by relatives of my match. It also shows cousins who descend from the same "far off" ancestors I do - so I see French Quebec lines, Acadian - Amerindian lines, my Cajun lines that trace through the heart of Louisiana, and a couple of English lines that I know about from researching my tree. I recommend anyone who is serious about genetic genealogy (and I know there are more than a few of you here on this site) to sign up to Wikitree (for FREE!) and start contributing your family tree information. Anyway, there's this little link called "my cousins" that I recommend you try once you've entered your profiles for your ancestors -- or linked to them if they are already in the system: Already a Wikitree subscriber and looking to find your living cousins? Try this link. and have FUN finding these same "living cousins" who may also show up as matches in your Family Finder / Ancestry / My Heritage / Gedmatch results! Do it NOW! Comments are closed.
February 2025